We interrupt our regularly scheduled blog programming due to the birth of a child.

My child, to be exact.

My post today was supposed to be about goals and habits, and one of the points I wanted to make is the importance of being flexible about the methods with which you achieve your goals. That post is close to done, and will be coming out soon. Maybe if my son had come on his due date instead of the day before it would be! But he’s punctual, and perhaps like me slightly neurotic about being early, and we are so grateful he is here.

But back to goals.

I said I’d post once every two weeks, and I want to hold myself to that. But I will be flexible about my methods by posting an article I wrote a few years ago. Below is an article I wrote for ObesityHelp.com back in 2016. The topic is food and sugar addiction and whether abstinence is truly necessary to overcome this type of addiction.

Check it out. I would love to hear what you think!