by Shawn Hondorp, PhD, ABPP | Diet Industry, Intuitive Eating
I rarely talk about my personal journey with disordered eating. I’m not ashamed – at least not anymore – but I wasn’t sure how relevant it was. I never wanted someone to think I was saying, “I totally get it because I went through something...
by Shawn Hondorp, PhD, ABPP | Whole Food Plant Based
Want to know what I find fun? Don’t laugh, but I think it is very fun to review new groundbreaking research right when it comes out. For example, I still remember in grad school when the article came out about social networks and obesity (Christakis &...
by Shawn Hondorp, PhD, ABPP | Diet Industry
I am reading the Amazon page for Garcinia Cambogia (GC) right now and I’m getting pretty fired up. I’m looking at pictures of fit looking people and being told that GC “…is the clinically proven dosage to make it the most effective weight loss...
by Shawn Hondorp, PhD, ABPP | Biology
When I conduct psychological evaluations for people pursuing bariatric surgery (weight loss surgery such as the sleeve gastrectomy or the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass), it’s not uncommon for people to tell me that they have told very few people about their decision...