Episode 114. This week’s episode is special. I was on the Mastermind Parenting podcast with Randi Rubenstein, my beloved parent coach recently. And the convo was so good, that we are replaying it here.

So if you want to learn a little more about my story and how I got here, and hear me chat about it with one of the people who have been most influential in getting me here, this episode is for you!

What to Expect in this Episode

What to Expect in this episode:

  • Some of my training and background and what I thought I was going to do for a career
  • When I learned about IFS and what continues to keep me aligned and pursuing training in it
  • How Randi has used it and is still using it, and a discussion about our understanding of it
  • How our relationship is very “power with” dynamic and how parenting, and therapy can often be a “power over” model and how that can be less helpful and even harmful at times
  • How watching Randi coach has shifted my view of how healing happens and my role as a therapist
  • A story about shifting my relationship with one of my protector parts recently (I got teary sharing this one!)
  • And more!

Disclaimer: This blog and podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not a substitute for individual professional advice or treatment, including medical or mental health advice. It does not constitute a provider-patient relationship.