by Shawn Hondorp, PhD, ABPP | Biology, Habits and Goals, Motivation
What do you think when you hear guided imagery? If you’re like me, you might think it sounds like pseudoscience. I used to think guided imagery was for people who drink wheat grass shots and go on week-long meditation retreats. I didn’t think it was people...
by Shawn Hondorp, PhD, ABPP | Exercise, Habits and Goals, Motivation
There is a reason I am SO passionate about helping people harness the science of motivation and applying it to their lives. And it isn’t just because I love drinking coffee, reading research, and writing. Although I absolutely do. It’s because I’ve...
by Shawn Hondorp, PhD, ABPP | Biology, Diet Industry, Habits and Goals, Motivation
If you’ve been keeping up with recent posts this isn’t going to shock you: I am against dieting. At least in the typical way we approach it. The Most Effective Weight Loss Plan If you were told that you had an illness and the treatment option was 2-20%...
by Shawn Hondorp, PhD, ABPP | Intuitive Eating, Parenthood
Let’s call it like it is. Life is pretty nuts right now. I could use many other words as well, but I’ll stick with that for the sake of time. Getting your kids to eat their veggies might feel like a low priority, especially if you find yourself caught in...
by Shawn Hondorp, PhD, ABPP | Diet Industry, Habits and Goals, Motivation
There aren’t a ton of things I know for sure. It’s like this Albert Einstein quote: The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don’t know. – Albert Einstein But if there’s one thing I am going to hang my hat on and follow, it’s...
by Shawn Hondorp | Diet Industry
Did you know that dieting messes with our body’s biology? Sadly, it is true. There are a number of ways that going on a diet actually makes it harder to maintain a healthy weight? So before you try another “diet” or even a reasonable effort at...
by Shawn Hondorp | Diet Industry, Habits and Goals
Just work hard. Push through it. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps and keep going. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how much pressure we put on ourselves to do it all. As a society, we aren’t particularly forgiving. The notion is often that you work...
by Shawn Hondorp | Diet Industry, Habits and Goals
Do you know what the diet trap is? It’s what the diet and weight loss industry would like us to stay stuck in. It goes like this: Notice weight gain and feel a strong (at times, desperate) need to lose weightSearch for and begin a weight loss programLose some...
by Shawn Hondorp, PhD, ABPP | Diet Industry, Habits and Goals
If I got a dollar every time someone talked to me about “cheat meals,” I would have a great start on my kids college funds. I’ll be honest – the term cheat meal makes me cringe. As a former repeat dieter, I would never again use that term to...
by Shawn Hondorp, PhD, ABPP | Diet Industry, Food Addiction
As a psychologist working with people looking to lose weight, I often talk about the “Diet Mentality”. But what does this term really mean? Maybe you have heard that “diets don’t work” or the “diet culture” is bad, but...