by Shawn Hondorp, PhD, ABPP | Diet Industry, Habits and Goals
Have you heard of Occam’s razor? It is a problem-solving principle which suggests “the simplest solution is probably the right one.” Considering trying a brand new diet plan? We have all been there. You see a friend’s post on social media and...
by Shawn Hondorp, PhD, ABPP | Habits and Goals
Goals. What feeling does that word bring up for you? Anxiety? Excitement? I love goals. They represent hope for change. They allow me to dream about the future and picture what I truly want. Although I’ve always been a goal-setter, the way I set and work towards...
by Shawn Hondorp, PhD, ABPP | Habits and Goals, Motivation
2021, You Make Us Very Nervous I saw this quote about 2021 that cracked me up. Because it’s so true: Nobody claim 2021 as “your year”. We are all going to walk in real slow. Be good. Be quiet. Don’t. Touch. Anything. – Unknown I mean,...
by Shawn Hondorp, PhD, ABPP | Biology, Diet Industry, Motivation
Do you remember your first diet? I sure do. It was Slimfast. I did NOT need a diet (well – no one does), but it was the thing to do. The plan was to have a Slimfast shake for breakfast and lunch and then eat a “sensible dinner.” So naturally I was...
by Shawn Hondorp, PhD, ABPP | Biology, Habits and Goals
2020 is finally coming to a close. Before we can sprint (or more likely cautiously put one baby toe over the line) into 2021, there’s one final hurdle; The holiday season. For some the holidays will offer a break from work or virtual schooling. For many of us,...
by Shawn Hondorp, PhD, ABPP | Whole Food Plant Based
Have you “failed” a diet? Or have you lost a lot of weight only to gain it back and more? Do you beat yourself up about this? If so, you aren’t alone. I talk to people every day who tell me that they have “failed all the diets they’ve...
by Shawn Hondorp, PhD, ABPP | Habits and Goals, Motivation
I know you want to eat well. You want to have most of your meals at home. But if you are anything like our household more often than you would like to admit you find that yet another week has gone by and you have mostly had frozen foods, pizza, and cereal for dinner....
by Shawn Hondorp, PhD, ABPP | Diet Industry, Habits and Goals, Motivation
The holidays are here. It’s been a rough year. You might be feeling anxious about your ability to maintain health habits during the holidays. Or maybe you gained some weight over the course of this uncertain year. You might be feeling the need to “get back...
by Shawn Hondorp, PhD, ABPP | Diet Industry, Habits and Goals
Do you feel anxiety or a lack of confidence in your relationship with food? Have you ever heard of exposure therapy? If your answer is yes and then no, you are in for a treat. Exposure-based therapy treatment is an evidence-based approach that works well for many...
by Shawn Hondorp, PhD, ABPP | Habits and Goals, Motivation
“Just stop thinking about it.” “You gotta think positively.” “Look on the bright side!” These types of statements often make me cringe. Can you relate? You are really struggling with something and someone tells you to change your...